Reach Beyond Your Limits
Therapy for when you're feeling stuck

£95- Currently £65
EMDR has a positive reputation for being able to support people who are recovering from notable traumatic events, such as experiencing combat in war, which it can make it feel a little intimidating to some who might feel that their experiences are not "that bad". Adding to this, EMDR is quite a young form of therapy, developed in the late 1980's and it's structure is very different to other types of talking therapy, making it feel unfamiliar and a little difficult understand until you've experienced it.
We're here to demystify EMDR and show you just how effective this therapy can be for all sorts of difficulties- not just recovering from traumatic events that many of us only hear about in the news. Our qualified therapists are not only able to provide EMDR, but they have experienced it as clients themselves.
Let's go...
Eye Movement Desensitisation Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) is a specialised psychotherapy designed to help people process traumatic experiences, negative beliefs, lingering feelings and distressing memories.
The core principle of EMDR therapy is that certain experiences can overwhelm the brain's natural ability to process information and emotions. When someone experiences trauma or repeated unpleasant events, the memories, emotions, and physical sensations associated with the event may become "stuck" or improperly stored in the brain. This can lead to ongoing distress, intrusive memories, and negative beliefs about oneself.
EMDR therapy facilitates the brain's natural healing process by helping people reprocess these distressing memories in a safe environment. Unlike traditional talk therapy, which primarily relies on verbal processing, EMDR incorporates bilateral stimulation. This simply means activating both sides of the brain through asking you to look side-to-side following a light, or a therapist's hand, tapping your shoulders or knees, or listening to tones through headphones. This is why "Eye Movement" is part of the name. By doing this in short intervals, whilst visiting the memory or feeling that you're aiming to process, we are imitating what happens in the brain during a stage of sleep called REM sleep. When in this phase of sleep, our eyes naturally tend to flutter and move side-to-side, and it is the phase in which most of our dreams happen as we are making sense of our experiences.
This process is believed to activate the brain's natural way of processing events that we have experienced, allowing the memories to be reprocessed in a way that reduces their emotional intensity and integrates them more adaptively into your overall life experience.
Through repeated intervals of bi-lateral stimulation in EMDR therapy, we see our clients experiencing a reduction in the emotional distress and physical sensations associated with the memories, beliefs and feelings that they brought to therapy. This is what the "D" in EMDR refers to: "Desensitisation".
Clients also naturally develop new insights, perspectives, and beliefs that support them in making lasting changes to how them see themselves, others and the world. We call this "Reprocessing", which explains the final letter of EMDR.